Watch out for this much haze in the image. When the sun is still this bright, it's better to angle a bit. The right photo you moved to the side which got a better exposure.
Everything in this shot works except her chin. Bring her chin out and down to remedy the double-chin.
Can't see her nose. I would have her turn her face to the left a bit or just change the head pose entirely.
Crop is a bit wide. Rectangle is where I'd crop into.
His stance overall is awkward. He should be standing up straighter and take his feet off the rocks.
I would crop this in tighter. The pose is cute so highlight the couple more, not the scenery.
Too many arms and positioning is a bit awkward. I try to keep the guy's arms away from the neck otherwise it looks too much like a choke hold.
Accentuate her figure more by placing her arm on her hip, or have her hold her dress and bring her elbow out a bit. Then bend her knee in towards her body.
The light on her face is too harsh. She needs to come forward in his shadow, or just change the pose so it's not hitting her face. His pose is too exaggerated so it starts looking effeminate.
Bringing her arm up to his chest would add more interest to this pose.
Can't see her nose.
Unless the final image was meant to be cropped in, the bench is a bit distracting.
Railing is distracting.
Lift her chin up to lessen double-chin. Drop her shoulder down to lengthen her neck.
Bring her hand out towards his shoulder to elongate her arm.
Reshoot until you get a decent hair shot or something that can easily be Photoshopped. Relax her arms so they aren't straight up and down to her body.
One hand too many. Hide the other hand behind his body.
His off-camera gaze directs the viewer off the image. It also feels disconnected relationally as a couple.
The exposure is technically good for the couple. The right shows the final edit which is really nice. It's just missing the sunset which some clients will care about getting in at least some of their photos.
I under-expose sunset shots to keep more of the color of the sky. This allows me to edit the couple back to a brighter exposure but still showcase the sunset. Not all of the photos need to be exposed this way, but it's good to have some in there for the clients.